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Google Bard AI

Google Bard AI

In this guide you will learn about captivating realm of artificial intelligence, specifically focusing on the innovative technology developed by Google, known as Bard. 

As AI continues to revolutionize various industries, Bard stands at the forefront, captivating audiences with its ability to generate compelling and coherent pieces of poetry.

In this guide you will learn about the underlying principles, techniques, and advancements that empower Bard to compose verse, capturing the essence of human expression.

Topics covered:

  • Getting Started with Google Bard AI
  • Fundamentals of Natural Language Processing
  • Bard vs. ChatGPT: What’s the difference?
  • Google Bard AI APIs and Tools
  • Advanced Techniques in Google Bard AI
  • And much more!

    Package details
    Pdf files 1
    Pages 145
    Words 15263
    Doc/x files 1
    Pages 148
    Words 15988
    Png files 2

Excluding Sales Tax
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